Sunday 26 July 2009

An into to long overdue updates!

Kia ora koutou! (Hi to you all! in Maori)

What have we been doing for the last few months?! It's sure gone fast!

Basically work (and I've worked had to work HARD in the second half of the semester - it was actually kinda crazy), church (I start leading a worship team from next week!) and hanging out with friends. That has left us with a VERY busy schedule.

There are so many minor comical or interesting experiences to tell you about, like how I bought a dark chocolate-peppermint ice cream at the movies but it turned out to be green tea ice cream coated in dark chocolate. VERY disappointing, after expecting to taste peppermint!

Aside from being able to read Korean and being able to say a handful of phrases, Rob and I have not worked hard on expanding our Korean vocabulary and I've recently been convicted about this. There was one week recently where I needed Korean EVERY DAY in some situation. Particularly with our neighbours, who've started talking to us because they see us around and about all the time. I didn't even know how to say "Sorry, I don't understand!"

Rob's been hit with homesickness for Germany and I've been in a few frustrating situations where I caught myself saying "Well, that's just retarded." My co-teachers actually agreed, but I don't really want to have that attitude, as much as possible.

Our first wave of good new friends are already leaving. There are about 10 of them leaving! That's life when you work in a foreign country.

We have been thinking about our old friends often though, so we made some videos which you can look forward to: introducing Busan, my school, our apartment and more...

Some upcoming entries from me or Rob will introduce:
-our Korean PUPPY, Tia
-my birthday
-lecturing for the upcoming EPIK orientation
-our new SUV
-Middle School assessments and Summer camps
-our Summer vacation: which officially starts next week, baby!
-couchsurfing and skype appointments
-old lady knees

It's the middle of Summer here now and it's mostly not too hot this year yet, but it sure has been humid. It'd be fair to say I'd forgotten what the word "sweaty" truly means until recently! It's actually rainy season, but that doesn't mean it rains every day, which has been awesome.

Well, we won't be waiting so long to write again now, so enjoy!