Friday 25 September 2009

2009 ICC Fall Retreat Promo Video

I didn't create the video portion of this but I added sound and text so that my church could use it for our upcoming retreat. Check it out!

Sunday 13 September 2009

Lotte Giants!

Today I got my first real experience with photojournalism. Busan Haps, a local magazine for foreigners asked me to shoot some photos to accompany an upcoming article on the foreign players in the Lotte Giants. It was amazing experience, particularly since they gave me an all-access press pass and let me shoot photos from the sidelines as well as during the actual interviews. After the game, I talked with the owner of the magazine and he was so satisfied with my work that he invited me to shoot the upcoming basketball tournaments as well. I can't wait! It's a great way for me to practice my skills, get experience and expand my portfolio all at the same time. I won't be posting many of the photos on my website but I did take some that I consider portfolio worthy. I'll probably have those up in a few days so I hope you will take the time to look them over and give me your opinions.

Wednesday 2 September 2009


I have recently come to realise that the old proverb "curiosity killed the cat" could easily come true in our household, if we don't keep a firm eye or two on Ginga. I could also extend the application like so: "Curiosity may sting your dog on the nose." It hasn't happened yet, but the amount of times I've told Tia to keep away from a bee or a wasp now numbers more than ten!
What a blessing to have animals and children, even if one gets exasperated at times ;P
The world IS a beautiful place and there's always sooooo much more that can be explored.