Friday 27 February 2009

One Step Closer to a New Home

Tomorrow is our last day here at Dankook University but today was our last full day.

This morning we had to present a 15 minute lesson plan in groups of 3 or 4. Since Shannon and I have been teaching for over 3 years it was no problem for us, but there were other less-experienced teachers who were stressed to the max.

For our lesson, we chose dream jobs as the theme and presented it along with our friend Randy Kim who was a little nervous since he had never taught before. It was a fun lesson and our instructor ranked us 3rd out of 14 groups so it definitely wasn't bad.

The best part of the lesson was making the Photoshopped images to accompany the theme. As you can see, we took pictures of ourselves in the classroom and then I photoshopped in our "dream jobs". The other teachers really liked it, especially when they realized that we had also superimposed our faces over the people.

Anyway, we also got our cell phones today and they should accept foreign calls so if anyone wants the number, please email us and we'll send them to you. The phones are really flash, too. They have all sorts of technological wonders built into them, for example Shannon and I can even video call each other. How cool is that?

The best part of the day was at 3pm when all of the Busan people (200 or so) were herded into one giant room and given the chance to meet our supervisors from our POE (provincial office of education). We finally know where we'll be in Busan! We don't have an address just yet but we know which part of Busan and which schools we'll be teaching at.

So, Shannon and I found out that we're going to be living in a part of Busan called Bansong. Bansong-dong is a region inside the district of Haeundae in the city of Busan.

Shannon will be teaching at the Bansong Girls Middle School and I'll be teaching at the regular Bansong Middle School (we're not sure yet if my school is co-ed or not). From the map and from some Korean EPIK staff that we've talked to, it should be about half an hour from the city center as well as the most popular beach in Busan, Haeundae Beach. Most of the people we talked to said it was be a pretty nice location.

Like I said earlier, tomorrow is our last day. From 9:00am - 9:40am we have to load our luggage onto the bus. Then we have our closing ceremony from 10:00am - 10:30am and then around 11:00 it's goodbye Dankook University and a 5-6 hour drive to Busan!

So, we don't have a mailing address just yet but we're one step closer!

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